India Vision; Dr Kalam and TIFAC

As we all stay quarantined to fight against the COVID 19 outbreak, I have been reading some books I never had time for before. I just finished a book, India 2020 by Dr. Abdul Kalam and Dr. Y.S Rajan and I couldn't resist sharing my thoughts on this wonderful book! 

This book is based on a document, Technology Vision 2020 published by TIFAC in 1996. TIFAC (Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council) is a governmental organization focused on assessing the technology-related activities for India. In 1996, they launched the Technology Vision 2020 document about India's strengths to become a developed nation by 2020. Dr Abdul Kalam (with DR Y.S Rajan) in 1998 wrote an excellent book on how to turn this vision into a reality.

What makes this book so inspiring is its practical approach; Dr. Kalam’s writing convinces us that India can truly achieve developed nation status. Please note this book is not about our history or any sort of motivational stuff but a clear, actionable plans for turning the vision into reality. It addresses key areas like identifying national challenges, exploring both domestic and export market potential, understanding current and future scenarios, and recognizing India’s core competencies and strategic advantages. The book also discusses crucial partnerships, the role of various organizations, and highlights what India has missed and what must not be overlooked. Written with the input of numerous experts in their respective fields, the book’s focus is not on global dominance but on improving India’s standard of living, lifting 220 million people out of poverty, creating self-sustaining opportunities, and inspiring the nation’s youth to reach their full potential.
"Every aspiring entrepreneur must read this book"
It is one of the best books I've ever read; the stories, analysis, and vision are simply brilliant. Indian Express quoted "A book of dreams rooted in reality." Tribune quoted "This is no ordinary book, it should be in all libraries and on the desk of everyone who dreams about the future of India." Every aspiring entrepreneur must read this book. 

Fast forward to 2020, India is the world's 5th largest economy, 3rd largest in terms of PPP, shining in the startup space, and has lifted 271 mn people out of poverty. We have made a lot of progress, remember our economy was opened in 1994, and the real growth started thereafter. But yes, challenges remain and to address them, TIFAC released another document, Technology vision 2035, showing the further actions to be taken. Don't forget to visit TIFAC's website and view the new documents.

A recent article in The Economic Times about India's growth

My advice to young Indian entrepreneurs (or aspiring entrepreneurs of any country), read this book first. Though it's two decades old, the framework is relevant even today. One harsh truth about start-ups is most of them fail, even harshly stated, 90% fail. Apart from great products,  start-ups fail because of a lack of proper execution, or cannot grow after a certain level due to external factors. This book provides a practical roadmap to success, with valuable insights like the "Golden Triangle" partnership -uniting research, universities and industries to foster innovation (like here in Germany.)  As this book is based on TIFACs Vision 2020 document, these insights are key to turning ideas into real success, and most importantly achieving a dream of seeing India as a developed nation.. a must read book for anyone serious about starting a business or love to see India grow. Afterall, its not politicians who prosper a country, but dreamers who do! 

"India is a nation of a billion people, A nation's progress depends upon how its people think. It is thoughts which are transformed into actions. India has to think as a nation of a billion people. Let the young minds blossom-full of thoughts, the thoughts of prosperity"
-India 2020

The current outbreak (COVID-19) is disrupting the whole world and pose a tough challenge to all of us. First of all, let's all strive to flatten the curve by staying home and maintaining social distancing. Please stay safe and healthy and spare some time to the things that you always wished to do. Let's try to make this daunting circumstance into something positive.


Suhittha Rasala said…
Good job Saiprakash. Liked this piece of literature. Keep coming up with many more๐Ÿ‘
Hi Suhtha, glad you liked it. ๐Ÿ™

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